Managing your TCG collection shouldn’t feel like a full-time job—we make it easy. Buy, Sell and Flip instantly.
TCGFlip users can buy and sell ownership of TCG sealed boxes instantly.
TCGFlip stores and insures your boxes for you, with no recurring cost*.
TCGFlip has lower fees than other services like TCGPlayer and eBay.
Ship your sealed cards to our secure warehouse where we will process your cards.
Buy and sell inventory on TCGFlip. Ownership is transferred instantly.
Withdraw your sealed boxes or funds at any time. Sealed boxes will be shipped straight to you.
View historical price data and current buy and sell orders. Submit buy orders to buy only at a particular price or lower. Submit sell orders to sell only at a particular price or higher.
There is nothing like picking a product you think will do well and seeing your boxes go up in value. We love buying and selling TCG boxes too. Our team has been in the TCG world for a long time. What started out as a fascination with the cards soon turned into a fascination with the hobby of sealed box collecting and speculating.
We soon discovered though, that the most fun in the hobby was buying and selling, not the storage, fees, and hassle with shipping the cards out to buyers.
We want to bring this experience to everybody, not just those who have the space and time to manage sealed boxes themselves.
The only cost for shipping your boxes to TCGFlip is the shipping cost itself. We do not charge fees on shipping boxes.
Shipping in your boxes saves you space, time, and money.
But, sending your own sealed cards in is not required.
There is a small percentage fee paid by the seller of 5%. This is less than half of the eBay fee of 13%.
Upon withdrawing, the withdrawee must pay shipping and handling fees for the boxes they are withdrawing. This cost varies based on current shipping costs and quantity of boxes.
We provide free storage for up to 12 boxes. After that point we require a small fee of just $1 a year per box.
TCGFlip is not a normal marketplace for buying and selling cards. Instead of the traditional online TCG marketplace, we provide the capability to submit buy and sell orders which are automatically matched and filled.
Boxes are only shipped to you when you want them. Keep them in our storage for as long as you'd like.
One of the biggest problems with these other services is the sky-high fees. Selling collectibles for the average seller on eBay or TCGPlayer costs over 13% just in fees. On top of that, the seller needs to spend time and money shipping, and take up valuable space with boxes.
All of our boxes are physically secure and insured to allow you to have peace of mind. If anything happens to your boxes, you will be refunded.
There is no catch! We understand this can seem too good to be true. All of the information here is accurate to how we make money as a company and provide a valuable service to you, our customer.
By managing thousands of boxes, it allows us to take advantage of economies of scale, and pass those savings onto you.